Biden Relies Too Much on Printed Notes and Teleprompters

Biden continues to experience speech problems in every public appearance. He still relies heavily on teleprompters and written scripts. Some people believe this is due to his dementia, while others claim he’s simply just lazy.

He’s continuously dependent on the notes and aides provided to him. Moreover, some still worry about his ability to lead our country at such a crucial time… especially when America needs someone with strong leadership qualities. We remember how:

  • He made America an embarrassment at the Geneva Summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • He stuttered in Town Hall, making it an ‘uncomfortable to watch’ PR event

Regardless of the cause, it’s clear that Biden is incapable of giving a competent speech… without the help of his people. This raises serious questions about his ability to serve as POTUS.

Biden Too Dependent On His Printed Notes

Biden made remarks during a “Meeting on Federal-State Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership.”  He had a binder with talking points made for him. He was handed a chart showing how tall the offshore wind turbines are… which are compared to landmarks like the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower. 

Moments later, Biden held up a separate note and on the other side of the note card was a list of “specific bulleted instructions” for Biden in his whole speech. The note card was captured in photos by Getty Images. Instructions for Biden included: 

  • “YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants”
  • “YOU take YOUR seat”
  • “Press enters”
  • “YOU give brief comments”
  • “Press departs”
  • “YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question”
  • “YOU thank participants”
  • “YOU depart”

Those around the president are betraying their country. They are keeping the level of Biden’s mental incompetence a secret. Unfortunately, we have a president in name only.

Biden Unable To Speak Without a Teleprompter

According to Fox News, Biden’s staff avoids holding press events in specific places, such as the Oval office. This is because there is no teleprompter around.

During Biden’s first year in office, he did fewer formal sit-down interviews with journalists than his predecessors. President Trump did 92, Obama did 156, while Biden only managed 22. 

In a recent speech regarding abortion, Biden tripped up once again. He was unaware of what not to read out loud from the teleprompter. He said, “It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot… is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so. End of quote.”

Then he read the next set of directions out loud. Biden said, “Repeat the line,” before reciting the quote again. The demo-rat continued to the next part as if nothing happened.

Many Twitter users found this amusing. Biden was mocked all over the platform because of his obvious mistake.

President Trump didn’t need notes and teleprompters. He was sharp and very articulate. Unlike Joe Biden who is proven incompetent… Trump is busy making his move to restore the dignity of our country.

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